Phase II_ film/space/form/architecture
Systematic Innovation I Winter 2009
Phase II will focus on understanding space/form/architecture by thinking about film.
In this process, we will explore three films:
Phase IIa: Russian Ark
Phase IIb: Chung King Express
Phase IIc: Scent of the Green Papaya
we are well familiar with architectural space
we dwell in space daily, in our home, our nationhood, our school, our city, our county, on the earth, and beyond….
though-- if you are asked to define space-- can you?
how about film space?
again, all of us are well familiar with countless films
yet-- can you define film space?
in this phase
we will aim to investigate film space in order to understand architectural space
we will first view each film
think about how space was set up in the film
how was space defined?
how did space expand or contract?
how did it shift?
how did space relate to time?
can we define various spatial or temporal qualities?
how did it feel to go through various spatial effects?
can we characterize them?
how did it feel?
how did it look?
what was the relationship of various parts of the film?
how were the transitions?
how was the flow?
did it feel open, closed, fluid, rigid, expansive, contracting, light, dark, heavy, …
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